
Friday, July 29, 2011

Jus Burgers - Leederville

It was a rainy friday afternoon. My bf and I had just gone and gotten the keys to our new house, wandered around, had a look, taken some measurements and then realised we were hungry. Even better, we now live 10minutes from Leederville. After a wander, I dragged him to Jus Burgers. I've been before but he hadnt, and I had a hankering for a good burger (again!). He liked the look of quite a few things, so we decided. Jus Burgers it is!

I went and grabbed a seat while he ordered. The thing with this place is, its TINY. It doesnt take bookings, and you have to line up. Rain, hail or shine, people will line up for these burgers. We got lucky and didnt have many people in the line, but the fact that a few people showed up spurred us on to get organised! We didnt wanna wait any longer than we had to... So I found us a seat against the wall looking at the space opposite, covered in a huge graffiti style mural. The place has a funky vibe, and the staff were friendly and not too cool for school, which happens alot in places like this.

Its difficult for either of us to go past a burger with beetroot in it, so we both went for the Mullet burger - partly for the name! Its got bacon, cheddar cheese, beetroot and a free range egg, topped with a char grilled Amelia Park beef patty (other accolades include being MSA approved, and hormone free). We ordered a side of chips and the spanish slaw, with sherry vinegar, honey and smoked paprika dressing.
These burgers are big. They come skewered with a steak knife, partially to keep it together when they're bringing it to you. This is not first date food. Im very lucky Im in a secure relationship and were past impressing each other. This got messy. Neither of us could take an initial bite for the ridiculous height of the thing, I had to resort to cutting mine in half, bf actually used his knife and fork. Juice everywhere. The bottom of my burger bun was bright pink from the beetroot. It was friggen delicious. We didnt talk much...

Ill admit the photo isnt of our visit, rather c/o the Spend it in WA blog, I didnt have my camera... so have had to troll the net for a substitute. These pics so the actual product you get served justice. They dont look that much different... Im always relieved when I hear a band live, if they sound just as good as what you hear from the studio. Same with food. A doctored pic, set up to look appetizing and appealing, is only any good if the product you end up with is similar. In the case of Jus Burgers, you do get what the promo pics show you.

The sides we ordered came out pretty fast. The chips were good, crunchy, salted, good portion size. The slaw would have been nice, however it was full of coriander and I hate coriander. This is normally fine, but it wasnt mentioned on the menu, which ruined it for me really. If I had've seen it had coriander in it I would have ordered something else, so I barely touched it. Bf wasnt sure he liked it either. Im not too sure about the addition of the smoked paprika either, Im not sure it did it for me, but to be fair I didnt give it a good crack, due to the evil green herb.

I ordered a chocolate shake, made from Bannister Downs chocolate milk, which was thick and rich. This is local milk which is FAB - we buy it regularly, their Cafe au Lait flavoured milk is also great. This leads me to another plus at Jus Burgers, theyre proud suppliers of local produce. The menu tells you where all the meat comes from, and the milk. They use free range eggs, and Australian oils. Its all on their menu, and they're vocal suuports of the Buy West, Eat Best campaign. They have great vegetarian options as well as a range of sides and sauces to make your burger how you want it - check out their menu. Boerworst, kangaroo, chicken... truffled chicken parfait?! Fancy pants or basic, you'll find it.

The food here is great, we both loved our burgers, even though they were stupidly huge and messy. I love that they're promoting local WA produce. Go there. Go early or line up!

Jus Burgers on Urbanspoon

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